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World War II Memorial



A plaque on the second level of the Sons of Jacob Synagogue honors the members of our congregation who served in World War II. A memorial to members who served in WWI is located on the lawn in front of the synagogue.


Although many of the names on this memorial, which had been cut from wood and glued to the plaque, have since fallen off, in 2014 a group of students from nearby Providence College volunteered their efforts to reconstructing the lost records and digitizing the complete list of congregation service members, as reproduced below.


Column 1

Philip Abrams

Hyma Blazer

Myer Bennett

Samuel Berman

Max Bezin

Ben Bezin

Harry Chase

Martin Chase

Chas Cornfield

Dr. Nathan Chaset

Leonard Chaset

Sam Cooperman

Phil Chernov

Robert Dickens

Louis Dieking

Sam Dellman

Melvin Fishbein

Hyman Feldman

Morris Feldman

Syd Feldman

Sam Feldman

D. Mandel

Louis Feldman

Phil Finklestein

Samuel Finklestein

Ernest Feinman


Isadore Schneider

Leo Waldmar

Nathan Egelman

Israel M. Zekroff

Joseph M.

Charles Winkelman

Morris Winkelman

Bruce Jacber

Phil Levin


Column 2

Sam Flinman

Sam Feller

George Goldberg


Sam Crandle

Bernard Gotz

Isadore Gershman

Leo Gershman

Dr. Isadore Gorfine

Dr. Hy Goldfine

George Glantz

Harold Gerstein

Syd Godfrey

Dr. Pail Gershoff

Jerome Horowitz

Leonard Holland

Henry Jabbler

George Jaffe

Irving Kopit

Harry Kopit

Leo Kopit

Ernest Kortick

Lowell Keller

Syd Kamen

Israel Katz

Ray Kaufman


Fred Zisquit

Max Bloom

Norman Hecker

Irving Shachtman

Sherman Kaufman

Sidney Resmick

Kenney Resmick

Bernard Labush

Column 3

Sam Kellman

Lester Kessler

Maurice Lecht

Irving Levine

Joshua Lecht

David Lecht

Harold Levin

Samson Luzow

Jack Luzow

Harold Lipschitz

Israel Moses

Harry Mittleman

Julius Mittleman

Maurice Miller

Morris Miller

Jerome Matzner

Sam Mandelwitz

Albert Markus

Lester Markus

Myer Primack

Eli Phillips

Sherman Price

Sydney Annenberg

Leon Resnick

Jack Resnick

David Resnick


Al Bilincoff

Richard Abowitz

Eli Abowitz

Samuel Kofel

Philip Saxe

Marcus Paige

Alvin Waksler

Column 4

Morris Rosensweet

Abe Rosensweet

Melvin Shore

Hy Shore

Louis Sandler

Milton Standel

Archie Standel

Joseph Silverman

William Sweet

Abe Sweet

Charles Snell

David Tanner

Hyman Toplan

Sy Weintraub

Sam Weiner

Marcus Weinberg

Marvin Wolinsky

Nathan Werlinsky

Morris Werlinksy

Manuel Young

Irving Zaidman

Abe Zaidman

Milton Stanzler

Jerome Moskol

Henry Weintraub

Nathan Rapaport


Theodor Manuell

David Chase

Al Shore

Joseph Budnick

Joel Pressman

Morton Silverman

Harvey Waksler

Column 5

Morris Zarchen

William Kopit

Isadore Weinstein

Seymour Sohmer

Howard Billingcoff

Arthur Berg

Joseph Markowitz

Jonah Levin

Dave Katz

Joseph Luzow

Albert Chase

Leonard Lecht

Morris Weintraub

Albert Weintraub

Sydney Gurnick

Sydney Feldman

Oscar Zarchen

Leon Resnick

Gilbert Resnick

Charles Abramovitz

Edward Silverman

Israeli Samlan

Jacob Chase

Paul Corich

Larry Primack

Melvin Kahn


Julius Wenberg

Murray Abowitz

Frederick Blazar

Irving Pederin

Nathen Sarenson

John Sarenson

Dr. Milton Levin

Column 6

Frank Nathanson

Isadore Friedman

Nathan Ludman

Max B. Friedman

Harold I. Tregar

Jack Cramer

S. Daniel Cohen

Jospeh Rosenberg

Herbert Roiff

Joseph Postar

Harry Shore

Morris Gordon

James L. Baron

Jacob Stone

Arthur Kelman

David Glazer

Sidney Glazer

Dr. Maynard S. Burt

Arnold Dickens

Gerald Winograd

Sam Primack

Herbert L. Marks

Morris Fineman

Philip Fineman

Jerome Feinstein

Daniel H. Saltzman


Jerome Deluty

Sydney Resnick

Sidney Blazar

Leo Miller

Samuel Miller

Victor Gold

Albert Wenograd

Thanks to Providence College students:

Christopher Baryiames, 2016

Patricia Krupinski, 2016

Josef Riccio, 2018

Edward Vere Walrod, 2016


    © 2015 by Congregation Sons of Jacob (Providence, RI)

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